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enesMon-Sat 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM | Extended Hours Available (713) 797-1919
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Houston is to outpatient imaging as Hong Kong is to shopping; a plethora of options, with many clamoring for your attention, and more importantly, your patient referrals. From hospital outpatient radiology departments, to outpatient networks, to free-standing imaging centers, there are literally hundreds of options when it comes to taking care of your patients.

We at Houston Medical Imaging have tackled this difficult problem in a fairly unique way. We have slashed our marketing budget. We have upgraded our technology, invested in RIS/PACS infrastructure, hired specialty-trained radiologists and focused on developing the most efficient and patient-friendly imaging experience in Houston. We continue to evaluate and improve every phase of the imaging experience from registration, to direct patient care, to report and image dissemination.

There is no magical formula. There is a simple question with a simple answer. “If this patient were my wife, or child, or parent, would I be comfortable with the level of care rendered?” The answer to this question must be a resounding “Yes!”

Thank you for trusting the care of your patients to Houston Medical Imaging.

Randall A. Stenoien, MDCEO, Houston Medical Imaging