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A Thyroid Fine Needle Aspiration Biopsy is a procedure that removes a small sample of tissue from your thyroid gland. Cells are removed through a small, hollow needle. The sample is sent to the lab for analysis.


HMI is pleased to offer Thyroid Fine Needle Biopsy procedures to detect cancer cells.


Biopsy results are read by our board certified sub specialty radiologists.


Although Ultrasound-guided biopsies and drainages are minimally invasive, there is a risk of bleeding whenever the skin is penetrated.

For this reason, if you are taking aspirin or a blood thinner medications, your physician may advise you to stop five days before the procedure.

If you have any question please call US department at 713 589 3461


Studies are performed under direct ultrasound guidance using a 13 MHz probe. Local anesthesia is used while three or more passes are made with a 25 guage needle.

Cytofix is applied with Cytofix and submitted for analysis.

278 biopsies were performed on 220 patients.

The number of major complications is 0 in 6 years
– Colloid Nodule 111/278 (40%)
– Adenomatoid nodule 8/278 (2.8%)
– Degenerative nodule of goiter 45/278 (16.2%)
– Benign diagnosis 48/278 (17.27 %)
– Benign proliferation 21/278 (7.6%)
– Papillary or Follicar Carcinoma 12/278 (4.3%)
– Miscellaneous 17/278 (6.1%)
