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MR angiography (MRA) uses a powerful magnetic field, radio waves and a computer to evaluate blood vessels and help identify abnormalities.


This exam does not use radiation and may require an injection of contrast material. The contrast material used for MRA is less likely to cause an allergic reaction than the contrast material used for computed tomography (CT).


No special preparation is needed before having a MRI. Nothing metallic be worn, so it’s best to leave all jewelry at home.

Because of the strong magnetic field, people who have a heart pacemaker or any kind of metallic implant in their body shouldn’t have an MRI unless their physician knows and has OK’d the procedure.

You should also make sure the MRI technologists is aware of any metal fragments you might have in your body. If you expect to be sedated, do not eat 6 hours prior to the exam. Patient must to have a driver to be sedated.
