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Liver Multiscan (LMS)

Liver Multiscan (LMS)

Liver Multiscan (LMS) is a unique noninvasive, diagnostic tool offering you and your patients an easy-to-understand report to provide quantitative metrics that may empower clinicians with information to assess the current state of liver disease. LMS provides three metrics in one single scan that represent the amount of ‑fibro- inflammation, fat, and iron in your liver.

Which patients should receive imaging?

  • Your patient has abnormal LFTs and/or Liver Ultrasound results
  • You suspect your patient has NAFLD/NASH (Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis)
  • Your patient has known comorbities from NAFLD such as Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity
  • Your patient is contraindicated for Liver Biopsy