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Stereotactic breast biopsy utilizes digital mammography in order to precisely biopsy a suspicious abnormality present on a prior mammographic study. With this system it is possible to biopsy suspicious microcalcifications or suspicious masses (although ultrasound-guided biopsy of a mass is preferred if the lesion is sufficiently conspicuous at ultrasound).


Minimally invasive biopsy is preferred to open surgical biopsy. Your physician however may choose to perform a surgical biopsy, particularly if the lesion lies too close to the skin, near the chest wall or simply cannot be clearly defined at mammography. Additionally, better cosmetic results may be possible with an excision of a likely benign lesion such as a fibroadenoma.



It is not necessary to fast prior to the to the biopsy. Wear comfortable clothing on the day of the biopsy. On arrival, you will be asked to remove your clothing from the waist up and put on a mammography gown. If you are taking aspirin or a blood thinner, your physician may want you to stop three days prior to the biopsy.

Please inform technologist if patient has any allergies to medications or latex. Patient should not wear perfume, powder or deodorant on or near the underarm and chest area. Patient should expect exam to take approximately two hours.

Patient should bring any previous mammogram CD. Your prior mammogram CD and reports are needed. If your prior mammogram was not performed at Houston Medical Imaging, you will need to make arrangements to obtain your CD and reports. We strongly recommend, if possible, that you personally pick up your CD and reports from the facility where your last mammogram was performed. If this is not possible please call the facility as soon as possible and arrange to have your CD and reports mailed or couriered directly to Houston Medical Imaging at 9230 Katy Freeway, Suite 440 Houston, TX 77055


The technologist will take a careful history. If there is a history of a bleeding diathesis, please notify the technologist. Any allergy to lidocaine should also be presented to the technologist in order that an alternate medication be used.


– In the Mammography Department on the day of your x-ray, you will be asked to sign an informed consent form.

– Typically no sedation is necessary for this exam. If you feel a need for sedation, please discuss this with the technologist prior to the day of your biopsy.
