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enesMon-Sat 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM | Extended Hours Available (713) 797-1919
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The physicians and staff of Houston Medical Imaging (HMI) wish you a warm welcome. We realize that you and your physician have many choices in terms of outpatient imaging. Your physician has entrusted your care to us, and we take this responsibility seriously.

We ask that you let us know immediately if your experience falls below your expectations. While the staff of HMI is entrusted to do their utmost to guide you through the imaging process efficiently, courteously and compassionately, the delivery of healthcare is frequently more art than science. Please speak up and let us know how we may assist you, and inform us of any special needs.

Once your examination is completed, you can expect that the results will be delivered to your doctor in a timely fashion. Most reports are completed within 24 hours, with urgent exams done much more quickly. If there is an urgent clinical concern that we are not aware of, please let your technologist know so that the radiologist is informed and can act accordingly. Lastly, should your experience be memorable (for better or worse), please let us know. E-mail me at rstenoien@houstonimaging.com, or call our Manager, Mr. Diego Roldan, at 713-589-5232.

Randall A. Stenoien, MD CEO, Houston Medical Imaging