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Liver Research

NASH (Nonalcholic steatohepatitis)


In adults over 50 years of age, 1 in 3 will have some form of fatty liver disease, and greater than 50% of all patients with Type II Diabetes develop NAFLD or NASH. Non-Alcoholic Steatohepatitis (NASH) is defined as the presence of hepatic steatosis and inflammation, with or without fibrosis or scarring. NASH without intervention can lead to cirrhosis, liver cancer, and ultimately liver failure.

The Ultrasound Derived Fat Fraction (UDFF) is used to quantify fat content in the liver. The degree of tissue stiffness has been shown to correlate with the progression of liver fibrosis. Livers that are high in fat content also show an increased level of tissue stiffness and associated fibrosis. In seconds, UDFF acquires data from liver ultrasound and performs 15 samples at once. UDFF produces a unit in percentage of fat and this fat percentage correlates with the MRI Proton Derived Fat Fraction (PDFF). Additionally, Auto Point Shear wave is simultaneously measured with UDFF and provides units in Kilopascals.


• Type 2 Diabetes • Patients with Abnormal Liver Tests • Obesity • High Cholesterol • Hypertension

Siemen’s Dax Probe measures both liver stiffness (kPA) and quantitative liver fat (steatosis) with Ultrasound Derived Fat Fraction.

IS A SILENT KILLER IN OUR COUNTRY THAT AFFECTS ANESTIMATED 40 MILLION PEOPLE If left untreated, this may lead to end stage cirrhosis and death.

Up until now, the diagnosis was confirmed invasively with a liver biopsy Now Featuring 3T MRI Abdomen with…

Offers the 1st FDA approved, non-invasive test to diagnose and monitor NASH patients with fatty liver in conjunction with abnormal liver function Provides measures of liver fat (PDFF) Currently, HMI will with proper clinical indications, perform the study at no additional cost to your patients. (Clinical indications include hepatic cirrhosis in conjunction with abnormal LFTs).

When do I consider ordering


• If your patient has abnormal LFTs and or Liver Ultrasound results
• If you suspect your patient has NAFLD/NASH
• If your patient has known comorbities from NAFLD such as Type 2 Diabetes and Obesity
• If your patient is contraindicated for Liver Biopsy